Interview Language…

Professional, articulate and clear. All words that spring to mind when you consider the communication skills required to be successful in a sales role especially if you are in a telephone based environment where you can’t show off the product or service, unless you are doing a web demonstration is what you can articulate over the phone.

Making a first impression at an interview, especially a telephone interview is imperative. Regardless of how much research you have done, how smartly you are dressed and how experienced you are for the role you can destroy any chance you might have of securing the position as soon as you open your mouth with your choice of words and language.

Every recruiter / hiring manager could tell of a story where people have done this and regardless of how well they are prepared beforehand by a third party it still might not sink in.

Hi mate… A simple enough opening to a conversation? Yes if you are speaking to a close friend or acquaintance but not for your first ever interaction with someone who’s sole purpose is to gauge you suitability to join their company. Recently a candidate who had been prepared to the smallest detail for an interview opened the telephone conversation with this very expression and before he had even had the chance to highlight his skills and experience and really sell himself the interview was as good as over.

Try to keep you language formal and professional at least until you have spoken to other party for a length of time and have built up a rapport. Remember the recruiter / hiring manager is looking for someone who can represent their company to the highest possible standard to their clients and customers and make a good impression when talking to customers. If you are unable to persuade the hiring manager you will not be able to persuade potential customers about the products/services you would be selling.

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